Advisory Board Member

John Heilman

John Heilman is a long-time elected official in the City of West Hollywood, California. He has served as Mayor eight times. In his role as Mayor, he was instrumental in building the City’s Library as well as the City’s Comprehensive Services Center for Seniors and Teens. He also initiated the City’s Youth Scholarship program and West Hollywood’s Women’s Leadership Conference.

Mr. Heilman is also a law school professor at Southwestern Law School and the University of Southern California (USC). He is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and completed his education at USC, where he obtained his law degree as well as a master’s degree in public administration and a master’s degree in real estate development.

Mr. Heilman serves on the board and is immediate past-president of the Jacaranda School in Africa. The school educates children in Malawi who have been orphaned by AIDS. Mr. Heilman also serves on the board of Outright International, an organization that advocates globally for LGBTQI equality.

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John Heilman Advisory Board Mentor Foundation USA