Living the Example

‘Living the Example’
Peer-to-Peer Program

Our ‘Living the Example’ (LTE) peer-to-peer program empowers youth to speak up and out against drugs and provides them a platform to be heard. Through interactive outreach campaigns and listening to our youth, we provide the tools for them to become their own advocates for staying drug-free. The program has shown promising results in terms of shifts in attitudes towards drugs and intent to use drugs. Overall, findings from the first LTE pilot project conducted together with the George Washington University suggested that peer-to-peer substance use prevention via social media is a very promising strategy.

Read full report here

Youth Ambassadors

The program targets Seniors within selected high schools to become LTE Youth Ambassadors. Youth Ambassadors are trained in Leadership, Advocacy and augmenting existing Social Media skills to become agents of change within their school communities. During the Fall and Spring Semesters, the’ Youth Ambassadors are expected to implement a series of peer-driven schoolwide “change projects” at each school to bring awareness to drug prevention and education. The projects aimed to engage and educate the entire school community and positively alter the attitudes around drugs and alcohol and other risky behaviors. The change projects are stipend-supported by Mentor Foundation USA. Follow the link below to learn more about completed Youth Ambassador change projects.


‘Living the Example’ National Video Contest

Our ‘Living the Example’ National Video Contest was created to provide adolescents and young adults (age 13-24) a platform to showcase healthy living, passions, hobbies, and achievements. In order to help detract from negative messages, Mentor Foundation USA seeks to provide a social media platform and contest for young people to inspire and encourage each other to “live the example.” Youth are asked to submit a short video showing how they are choosing healthy alternatives and “living the example.”

The contest was first launched in 2012, and has amassed a reach of more than 327,000 people so far.

Gael Fernandez, 2019 National Video Contest Winner

Gael, 16, serves as an inspiration among his peers through his podcast Teenager Therapy, which bravely addresses struggles that come with being a teenager.

Ashley Chu, 2018 National Video Contest Winner

By following her passion for the STEM-field, Ashley not only bravely challenges the stereotypes in her community by elevating herself, but also invests her time and effort in inspiring others. Ashley is a great Ambassador for her fellow peers and is truly ‘Living the Example.’

Riley Walz, 2017 National Video Contest Winner

Carly Johnson, 2015 National Video Contest winner

This program is made possible by the generous support from

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