Nicklas Bäckström
Honorary Ambassador Award
Our Honorary Ambassador Award highlights the efforts of high profile individuals who empowers young people to live healthy lives, free of drugs. Nicklas joined the Washington Capitals at a very young age, and has managed to keep a successful career with a focus on family, health and success.
Admiral James and Mary Winnefeld
Parents for Prevention Award
Our Parents for Prevention Award identifies and honors outstanding individuals for their efforts and achievements in adolescent substance use prevention. Ret. Navy Admiral James “Sandy” and Mary Winnefeld’s dedication through ‘Stop the Addiction Fatality Epidemic (S.A.F.E)’ serves as an inspiration to families, individuals and organizations across our nation.
Partner in Prevention Award
Our Partner in Prevention award identifies and honors outstanding corporations for their efforts and achievements in drug abuse prevention. Cigna’s successful partnership with physicians to reduce opioid use by 25% among its customers demonstrates true corporate social responsibility. We are honored to award Cigna for taking a leading role in prevention.
Malcolm Dixon
The Future is Bright Award
Our The Future is Bright Award identifies and honors outstanding youth who serve as an inspiration to their peers. Malcom Dixon, a previous student in our Career Mentoring program, and now a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, is a true inspiration for other young people and a success story in himself.
“If it wasn’t for programs like this, and mentors who serve as cheerleaders, I would not be where I am today. ”
-Malcolm Dixon