Tatiana was accepted into the University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources to study and major in conservation science. The university offers an outstanding natural resource program for undergraduate students, taught by some of the world’s most respected leaders in physical and social sciences.Tatiana will be able to delve into her passion for nature, and explore the necessary steps humanity must take to preserve the natural world and aid its issues. After she took a backpacking trip into the mountains of Virginia over a year ago, Tatiana developed a passion for the outdoors that grew exponentially, and she embraced the idea of dedicating her time and devotion to the conservation of nature.
This rising college freshman is pursuing her dreams and studies in a field that is not commonly sought after by the African American population of the United States. Dale Bosworth, Chief of “Blacks in Government” and “Forest Service Forum”, addressed the issue of a lack of diversity, especially amongst African Americans, in forestry and nature services. Bosworth said, “Part of the problem has been a disconnect for many people, including African-Americans, between getting an education and pursuing a career in forestry or agriculture. Forestry just isn’t very attractive to many folks, nor is government service.”
While a majority of today’s forest services and nature conservationists are predominately white males, Tatiana is a shining example of an exception to the status quo. She is on a path that Bosworth has preached to be vital to nature in its entirety. “The Forest Service needs to reflect the changing face of America. Conservation belongs to all of our citizens,” Bosworth said, “Yet the face of conservation has traditionally been rural, male, and white. We need to give Americans from every background more opportunities to participate in conservation. We’ve got to broaden the circle of conservation.”
As Tatiana prepares to embark on the next big adventure in her life, she said, “I couldn’t be more excited about the unexpectedness and opportunities college will offer to me, I am here for a purpose and eager to see what I will achieve.”
“I’ve had several mentors in my life, my grandfather especially. He motivates and inspires me through his own achievements, and encouraged me to do well in high school so that I could achieve bigger things in college,” Tatiana said.
A powerful advantage to her success came through the support and encouragement provided by Tatiana’s mentors. Tatiana relays an important message to her peers and all youth, and that is, “Stay true to yourself. When you aren’t ,you can lose who you are.”