Tell us a little about your self and what you do for a living.
I was born and raised in Maryland. My parents were immigrants; My mother from Colombia and my father from Chile. I’m very proud of my South American heritage.
I love to travel especially to places most people wouldn’t travel too! And, I try to travel at least twice a year. Trying different foods, listening to music, going to farmers markets and watching movies are my favorite hobbies.
I’m a full time mother, and Real Estate Consultant!
Who has inspired you most in your life?
My Mother.
When my father passed, she took on both roles. She taught me how to stand on my own two feet and instilled in me the power of positive thinking. She’s an amazing woman with an incredible faith in life. She’s also my biggest cheerleader. I would be lost without her!
What would you say is the most rewarding part of being a mentor?
Honestly for me it’s the look in my mentee’s eyes when I show up to our sessions. It’s a mix of relief and happiness. To make someone that you have no familiar bond with happy, just by simply showing up, is a powerful feeling. That’s reward enough for me.
Where would you be today without mentors in your life?
Honestly, I don’t know where I’d be; but I wouldn’t have the amazing life I have today!