After an entire summer of researching, planning, and scheduling, Shattering the Myths 2.0 is finally ready to hit the road.

21 October 2015 | News

In partnership with The National Institute on Drug Abuse and with support from the Rip Van Winkle Foundation, we will bring our new edition of the Shattering the Myths program to Hudson Valley area high schools starting in November.

“The next generation of our Shattering the Myths Program will include new interactive sessions with the same goal of directly addressing the many deadly misconceptions that youth have associated with the science and lifestyle of drug use,” explains Joseph Green, Senior Program Manager at Mentor USA, adding that:  “We are also excited to partner with Young People in Recovery, an amazing organization that will provide their trained volunteer core and staff to share real life testimonies on recovering from drug addiction.

“We are excited to bring our drug prevention program to Columbia County in New York,” says Mentor Foundation USA President and CEO Gunilla Girardo. “Our expanded version of the Shattering the Myths will allow us to maintain the momentum that is created with the initial event as well as measure the program’s impact over an entire academic year,” adding that:  “We believe that new tools that we have developed will help sustain the program’s impact and be key in our continued expansion of the Shattering the Myths program.”

The new version of Shattering The Myths begins with a three-day affair at each of the three participating high schools. The first day we will have a professional spoken word artist spending the entire day with English classes teaching and engaging students in creative writing workshops. These are designed to address issues surrounding substance abuse. On the second day, the entire student body will watch and participate in the Shattering the Myths presentation. (Details Below) Finally, on the third day, ten pre-selected students will receive leadership training. In this training, they will learn the skills needed to prolong the effect of the Shattering The Myth program through Change Projects as members of Mentor’s Youth Ambassador Network.

This fall, Mentor Foundation will be working with three schools in the Hudson Valley area. The actual presentations will take place at Germantown Central HS on November 11th, Taconic Hills Central HS on November 18th, and Ichabod Crane Central HS on December 2nd. For more information about Shattering the Myths, visit, or to book one at your school, please contact Joseph Green at [email protected].

What Is Shattering The Myths?
Shattering The Myths is an interactive youth drug prevention program designed to dispel the myths surrounding drug abuse and empower youth to share their feelings around substance abuse. By focusing on the innate talents and strengths that young people already have, they become their biggest advocates for staying drug–free. There are four key elements that comprise this program:

The Science
Game Show
This element of the Shattering The Myths Youth Rally engages youth in a fun and interactive way. Mentor Foundation USA has partnered with top scientist to create a unique instrument to distribute facts about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the teenage brain.

The creation of empathy is a vital tool in the fight against substance abuse. We will present live testimony from someone who has survived the pitfalls of drug abuse.

Media Myths
Truth Behind the Limelight
Everyday, young people are inundated with images online, from films, TV shows, and music videos that glorify the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. Using the very tools that perpetuate the glorified myths about drugs and alcohol use, we break down the reality that exists when the cameras are no longer rolling.

Youth Voices
Courage Under Fire
The day before the Shattering The Myths Program, students in creative writing classes engage in a workshop led by a professional teaching artist. They will create spoken word poetry about their experiences or opinions on drug and alcohol abuse. A few courageous youth will be selected to perform their poems at the end of the program.