Youth Ambassadors at each school are now creating change projects to raise awareness around the negative effects of substance abuse and other issues concerning teens, offering positive alternatives and highlight the contributions being made by the students in their community. This year, the Youth Ambassadors are addressing bullying, academic stress, and healthy eating/healthy living as part of their prevention messages to peers.
The Germantown SADD/Youth Ambassador club recently attended a Cyberbullying seminar hosted by the Siena Research Institute, AT&T and the Tyler Clementi Foundation. The learned the statistics of cyberbullying in Upstate New York. They took personal pledges to reduce cyberbullying around them.
Ichabod Crane Youth Ambassadors held an early morning campaign on their Dream Wall (pictured at the top of the page) to increase positivity in the school by encouraging students to state what they are doing to “Make the world better.” This Dream Wall is a staple at Ichabod Crane, becoming a key tool in impacting the school environment.
The Shatter the Myths Rally and our Youth Ambassador Network have become an important part of our school. The Shatter the Myths Rally has helped to change the way that we talk about substance use and abuse; creating more meaningful dialogue between students and faculty. We have been able to have more direct and realistic conversations with our students, always looking to educate or seek help for our students and families in need. Our Youth Ambassadors are leaders that are consistently looking to improve our school community and to help better our students and lead each other toward healthy lifestyles. Our Youth Ambassadors live the example each day and are an inspiring group of people. We are very proud of all that they have accomplished!
Craig Shull, Ichabod Crane High School Principal
Taconic Hills will be looking to expand upon this idea and introduce “Motivation Monday” as part of their school program. “Motivation Monday” will be featured on their morning announcements and the TV screen used to display messages as they wait to enter the building.
Each project is designed by the teens with the support of in-school liaisons. It is funded in part by a micro-grant from Mentor Foundation. Last year’s projects included substance abuse facts messaging by classroom clocks, a “Battle of the Belts” and a “Shatter the Myths” week, accident simulation, and art contests.
We are looking forward to everything this year’s Youth Ambassadors will accomplish in their change projects.