For the past five years the firm has supported our mentoring program. But this year, for the first time, Baker Hostetler expanded its reach to provide on-site mentoring once a month at their downtown DC office for eighteen seniors from Cesar Chavez Charter School for Public Policy.
More than 20 BakerHostetler employees volunteered their time and talent for the mentoring sessions. Some of the skills practiced and lessons learned throughout the year include goal setting, making personal and professional choices, resume writing, interview skills, networking skills, public speaking, college preparation and how to present a compelling thesis.
The experience and outcomes were truly rewarding for mentees and mentors alike. 100 percent of the 18 seniors that participated in the program have been accepted to college and 75 percent of those will be attending 4-year universities in the fall.
When we asked mentors about the impact that the program had on their personal development they responded with comments such as:
The experience reminded me of the optimism and enthusiasm necessary to jump forward toward your personal goals.
I am proud of ‘giving back’ to the community.
The mentees were also asked about the impact of the mentoring program on their academic or personal lives. Some of their responses are below.
I felt like the mentoring program has impacted (me) in a very positive way because I feel more comfortable speaking in front of a crowd, something that I could never do prior to the program.
I believe that the mentor program had a great impact in my life…because I…have used different skills that I learned in the program.
Mentor Foundation is looking forward to continuing its partnership with BakerHostetler and providing students with more exciting mentorship opportunities in the upcoming school year.