As we gear up for another program year, we are excited to announce that our peer-to-peer substance use prevention program Living The Example (LTE) continues to show promising results in reducing adolescent drug use intentions. The program evaluation, designed and implemented by the George Washington University, shows a protective effect and reduced drug use intentions among youth who have been exposed to the LTE program in their schools. The 2018-2019 evaluation indicate a stronger LTE program effect in this study compared to the Evans et al (2017) study.
Adolescent substance use continues to be a pressing public health threat in the U.S., in particular due to the growing availability of lethal drugs and teen social norms shifting to be more favorable of recreational use and growing perceptions of relative safety of some substances. Digital social networks are major drivers of public perceptions of substance use, calling for novel digital strategies for prevention in this space. LTE offers a promising model for future programming seeking to widely disseminate peer-to-peer prevention messaging via social media to reduce adolescent drug use intentions. By training a relatively small number of youth, there is potential to reach a large audience with authentic, targeted prevention messages given the widespread use of social networking platforms.
LTE represents a novel approach to addressing a wide range of substances used by adolescents through in school activites, message framing and digital engagement.
This program is made possible by the generous support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the Second Genesis Foundation, the Anne Arundel County Department of Health, and in partnership with Anne Arundel County Public Schools.
For more information, please contact:
Alexandra Motter, Program Manager, Mentor Foundation USA.
[email protected]

About Living the Example
Our ‘Living the Example’ (LTE) peer-to-peer program empowers youth to speak up and out against drugs and provides them a platform to be heard. Through interactive outreach campaigns and listening to our youth, we provide the tools for them to become their own advocates for staying drug-free. The program has shown promising results in terms of shifts in attitudes towards drugs and intent to use drugs. This program was developed together with the George Washington University.
About Mentor Foundation USA
Mentor Foundation USA is a Delaware registered 501(c)(3) not-for profit organization and a member affiliate of Mentor International. Mentor Foundation USA works with innovative, evidence based intervention approaches to prevent youth substance use and promote health and well-being.