Young Voices in December Holiday Concert

DECEMBER 20, 2020: Mentor USA presents a Virtual Youth Holiday Concert with talented youth from around the world!

15 December 2020 | News

Our “Young Voices in December” campaign will conclude with a free virtual Holiday Concert that will stream live worldwide on Sunday, December 20. The concert will feature young talents, amazing dancers &  musicians, incredible artists, and much much more.

Everyone is invited to virtually attend the concert to learn about Mentor Foundation USA’s work to empower youth to live healthy and productive lives and enjoy the family-friendly concert.

Register for FREE just below to listen to talented youth sharing their favorite spirited songs.

Free registration


Mentor Foundation USA will launch its first Young Voices in December campaign – an initiative to help bring awareness and support to mental health issues and substance use disorders among young people during the impact of COVID-19.

Take me to the campaign