This August marks one year since we held our ‘In Light of Youth’ Summer Gala, and once again, we would like to thank all of you who helped us make it such a success! We interviewed Felix Strand, President at Pixi Beauty, our Platinum Sponsor, about giving back to the community, ambitions, and mentoring.
Felix Strand, who is half Swedish and English, grew up in London and did his university studies in California. He started his journey at Pixi 8 years ago as the E-commerce Manager and has since worked his way up to his current position as the President of Pixi Beauty.
Felix, you’ve had great success in your career at a young age. What is your recipe and advice to young people with high ambitions?
Find something you love to do and work hard. Keep trying until you find something you love.
Pixi Beauty was the Platinum Sponsor of the ‘In Light of Youth’ Summer Gala in August 2020. Why is it important for Pixi to support the mission of Mentor Foundation USA?
Healthy and productive lives are generally what we all should aim for. My mother taught me from a young age that staying healthy means taking care of yourself first so that you can help others.
My mother taught me from a young age that staying healthy means taking care of yourself first so that you can help others.
Felix Strand, President at Pixi Beauty
What motivates Pixi Beauty to give back to the community?
We are part of the community and have a responsibility to help where and when we can. This is a very important part of what we do.
COVID-19 and opioid addiction are considered the two great epidemics of our generation, and they are now intersecting in addictively deadly ways. The need for adolescent substance use prevention has never been greater. What responsibilities do corporations have in supporting communities and our young people during this unprecedented time?
I believe that corporations have a huge responsibility in society. The larger the company – the larger the responsibility. In times like these, leadership and leading by example are needed more than ever.
The pandemic has disrupted most aspects of our lives. Mental health troubles have been natural reactions of isolation of quarantines, social distancing, and canceled events. What are your tips for coping with stress and staying positive during these times?
Things will be better soon, hang in there. The basic things for staying healthy are more important than ever: eat well, get some exercise, get some sun, and sleep well. And as my mother always taught me, drink plenty of water.
Can you tell us about a Mentor you have had in your life?
I have had a few in my life and still do. My mom and I work together, so in a way, I’m her mentor, and she is mine. She is better at some things than me and vice versa. I have a big family, and we are all great friends and support each other always.
Finally, what is your favorite inspirational quote?
“Falling down does not matter, what matters is getting back up!” Basically, change is GOOD, you have to change out of bad habits, addiction, negative thinking, etc.
Thank you Felix and Pixi Beauty for supporting our work! We are grateful to call you a Mentor USA partner.
Did you miss the ‘In Light of Youth’ Summer Gala? No worries, you can still watch it below.