As the month of December marks the end of 2021, we use this time for recognition of everything that we have accomplished over the year.
For us in the Youth Advisory Committee, some of our favorite events have included:
- Hosting The Developing Brain Q&A Webinar with Dr. Ruben Baler
- Spreading positivity on World Mental Health Day
- Participating in the DEA’s Red Ribbon Week
- Creating our Shatter The Myths Quiz Night
- Learning how you “Live The Example” with the LTE Video Contest
And although we all have had so much to focus on recently with school, work, clubs, etc., it’s important to not lose focus of what matters most: friends & family. We support each other in times of need, we give back and help foster growth in both our personal and professional lives and most importantly, we allow each other to be our best selves. We have everything to be thankful for. So whether you are gathering with loved ones physically or digitally this holiday season, I encourage you all to take some time to sit back, relax, and find a sense of comfort in these unique times.
Next, I would like to thank each one of you for being a part of the Mentor family. Without your support, our work would not be possible. And without your voice, our voice would not be heard. Next year has a tremendous amount of opportunities waiting, and we hope you will continue to share our message of healthy living and assist us in reaching more young people across the globe.
Finally, as a fun and informative way to wrap up the year together, we invite you to our exciting webinar “Living The Example in the 21st Century” scheduled live for tomorrow 3PM PST/6pm EST, supported generously by SAMHSA’s Communities Talk Stipend and Second Genesis, and co-hosted by SACC-LA. Featuring myself, Gezim Gashi (Mentor USA’s Program Director), as well as Gail Aitor (Creator of “Teenager Therapy” & Winner of 2019 LTE Video Contest), we will discuss social media, peer pressure, mental health, and much more!
From us all at the Youth Advisory Committee, we wish you a happy holiday season and hope to see you soon!