I’d like to give a warm welcome to 2023 to everyone in the Mentor Foundation family and beyond. Some of us may still be experiencing the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. I think it’s important to remember that everyone may be experiencing different circumstances, so we should continue to treat others well and with respect. There is plenty to look forward to in this coming year.
For many of us within the Youth Advisory Committee, this is the last leg of our 4-year studies at our respective colleges. We are all eager to advance in our studies or careers. I know our loved ones are all very proud of where we’ve come from and where we’re headed. Coming from backgrounds that may not traditionally pursue college educations, our determination means that we are preparing ourselves for future success. With that said, I have some words of wisdom for everyone headed into the New Year.
- Get a head-start
- It’s better to pursue the things you’re thinking of doing rather than waiting on the idea. Although timing may be of the essence, remember that a “good” time will not always be the “perfect” time. Use scheduling to your advantage to get things done ahead of time.
- Stay informed
- Keep yourself updated on your surroundings. Our environment is changing rapidly, and we must have the knowledge and capabilities to adapt.
- Be consistent
- Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your greatest accomplishments will take time and your work will pay off.
As you dive into the new year, keep the above in mind. I wish everyone reading this now the best health and fortune and I’m certainly looking forward to all we’ll achieve this year.
Read more about our amazing Youth Advisory Committee here!